
Connect a Go application to PlanetScale


In this guide, you’ll learn how to connect to a PlanetScale MySQL database with Go by exploring a sample API built using the Gin routing framework.



Already have a Go application and just want to connect to PlanetScale? Check out the Go quick connect repo.

Create the database

Start in PlanetScale by creating a new database. From the dashboard, click "New Database", then "Create new database". Name the database products_db, select the desired Plan type, and click "Create database".

By default, web console access to production branches is disabled to prevent accidental deletion. From your database's dashboard page, click on the "Settings" tab, check the box labelled "Allow web console access to production branches", and click "Save database settings".

Then, click on the "Console" tab, then "Connect".

The Console tab

Run the following two commands to create a sample table and insert some data:

CREATE TABLE `products` (
	`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
	`price` int NOT NULL

INSERT INTO `products` (name, price) VALUES
  ('Cyberfreak 2076', 40),
  ('Destination 2: Shining Decline', 20),
  ('Edge Properties 3', 15);

Finally, head to the "Dashboard" tab and click "Connect".

The location of the Connect button

On the following page, click "Create password" to generate a new password for your database. Then click Go in the Select your language or framework section, and copy the contents of the .env file. You'll need it for the next section.

Run the demo project

Start by opening a terminal on your workstation and clone the sample repository provided.

git clone

Open the project in VS Code and add a new file in the root of the project named .env, Populate the file with the contents taken from the Connect modal in the previous section.


Now open an integrated terminal in VS Code and run the project using the following commands:

go mod tidy
go run .

The terminal should update with the following output.

The output of the GET test

Exploring the code

Now that the project is running, let’s explore the code to see how everything works. All of the code is stored in main.go, with each of the core SQL operations mapped by HTTP method in the main function:

HTTP Method NameQuery Type
func main() {
	// Load in the `.env` file
	err := godotenv.Load()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("failed to load env", err)

	// Open a connection to the database
	db, err = sql.Open("mysql", os.Getenv("DSN"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("failed to open db connection", err)

	// Build router & define routes
	router := gin.Default()
	router.GET("/products", GetProducts)
	router.GET("/products/:productId", GetSingleProduct)
	router.POST("/products", CreateProduct)
	router.PUT("/products/:productId", UpdateProduct)
	router.DELETE("/products/:productId", DeleteProduct)

	// Run the router

Open the tests.http file, which contains HTTP requests that can be sent to test the API. Running the get {{hostname}}/products test is the equivalent of running SELECT * FROM products in SQL and returning the results as JSON.


If you do not wish to use VS Code with the Rest Client plugin, you may use tests.http as a reference for your preferred IDE and API testing software.

The terminal output of the go run command

This is the GetProducts function defined in main.go. Notice how the query variable is the SELECT statement, which is passed into db.Query before being scanned into a slice of Product structs.

func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
	query := "SELECT * FROM products"
	res, err := db.Query(query)
	defer res.Close()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("(GetProducts) db.Query", err)

	products := []Product{}
	for res.Next() {
		var product Product
		err := res.Scan(&product.Id, &product.Name, &product.Price)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("(GetProducts) res.Scan", err)
		products = append(products, product)

	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, products)

To pass parameters into queries, you may use a ? as a placeholder for the parameter. For example, GetSingleProduct uses a query with a WHERE clause that is passed into the db.QueryRow function along with the query string.

func GetSingleProduct(c *gin.Context) {
	productId := c.Param("productId")
	productId = strings.ReplaceAll(productId, "/", "")
	productIdInt, err := strconv.Atoi(productId)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("(GetSingleProduct) strconv.Atoi", err)

	var product Product
	// `?` is a placeholder for the parameter
	query := `SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = ?`
	// `productIdInt` is passed in with the query
	err = db.QueryRow(query, productIdInt).Scan(&product.Id, &product.Name, &product.Price)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("(GetSingleProduct) db.Exec", err)

	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, product)

Parameters in queries are populated in the order they are passed into the respective db function, as demonstrated in CreateProduct.

func CreateProduct(c *gin.Context) {
	var newProduct Product
	err := c.BindJSON(&newProduct)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("(CreateProduct) c.BindJSON", err)

	// This query has multiple `?` parameter placeholders
	query := `INSERT INTO products (name, price) VALUES (?, ?)`
	// The `Exec` function takes in a query, as well as the values for
	//     the parameters in the order they are defined
	res, err := db.Exec(query, newProduct.Name, newProduct.Price)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("(CreateProduct) db.Exec", err)
	newProduct.Id, err = res.LastInsertId()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("(CreateProduct) res.LastInsertId", err)

	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, newProduct)

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