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The latest PlanetScale features and product launches.

July 25, 2024

Webhooks: New pending_cutover event for deploy requests

We have shipped a new webhook event: deploy_request.pending_cutover.

This event will trigger when a deploy request is ready to apply the schema and is waiting on the user to confirm.

For deploy requests that have "auto_cutover" or "Auto apply" enabled, this webhook will not be sent.

This new event is now available in your webhook settings.

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July 17, 2024

Deploy requests: auto-delete branch

We just shipped an improvement to deploy requests. Now, you can optionally set your deploy requests to delete the development branch once fully complete.

You can do this by toggling a checkbox while the deploy request is running. This new setting is also available via the CLI and API.

It is disabled by default and must be enabled for each deploy request. The branch will only be deleted if the deployment is successful and the revert period is complete.


As of pscale version 0.205.0, you can create a deploy request with pscale deploy-request create db branch --auto-delete-branch and the setting will be enabled.


The create deploy request endpoint now has auto_delete_branch available. Set this parameter to true to enable the setting.

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July 12, 2024

Deprecation: legacy connection strings

Two years ago we made an upgrade to our edge infrastructure that enabled better performance and reliability for your database connections.

A small number of databases are still using connection strings from before this change. In the coming weeks we are working on deprecating the usage of these strings and getting everyone upgraded.

Does this impact my database?

We are sending emails to all account admins for databases which are still connecting via legacy strings.

You may also check the hostname for your connections tring. If it shows the ID for the database branch, then it is a legacy string.


  • Legacy host name:
  • New infrastructure host name:

How to update my connection string?

To update your connection string, go to the PlanetScale dashboard -> your database -> settings -> passwords.

Create a new password and update the hostname, username and password in your application.

What happens if I do not upgrade?

We will be performing multiple brownout periods starting September 3rd, 2024. During these, connections to your database will stop working.

The purpose of the brownout periods is to help alert anyone who is still unintentionally using a legacy connection string.

After several brownout periods, we will re-evaluate usage again and send final notices to anyone still using a legacy connection string before fully deprecating.

pscale CLI

If you are using an old version of the pscale CLI, you may see the following message when trying to use pscale shell or pscale connect.

Your version of pscale is too old and is using a deprecated connection method. Please update your CLI version.

If this impacts you, please update pscale to the latest version.

Need help?

We want this process to be simple and painless for everyone. If this causes any difficulties for you, please reach out to our support team.

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July 11, 2024

Deploy requests: solo admins may now self-approve

We've shipped a small update to the "Require administrator approval for deploy requests" setting. Now, if your database only has a single administrator, they can self-approve their own deploy requests.

If there is more than one administator, then self-approval is not allowed.

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June 27, 2024

Webhook payload update

We have updated all webhook payloads to include the database and organization names.

"timestamp": 1698252879,
"event": "branch.ready",
+ "organization": "my-org",
+ "database": "example_database",
"resource": { ... }
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June 24, 2024

New audit logs API endpoint

We have released a new API endpoint for retrieving your organization's audit logs.

  • /v1/organizations/:name/audit-log

A new service token scope read_audit_logs has also been added. You may add this to your service token by visiting your service token settings.

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June 17, 2024

Deprecating old versions of the PlanetScale CLI

We are removing support for versions of the PlanetScale CLI older than v0.182.0 (February 2, 2024). On July 1st, they will no longer be able to use the following commands:

  • pscale connect
  • pscale shell
  • pscale database dump
  • pscale database restore-dump

Please update your CLI to version v0.182.0 or later to continue using these commands.

June 6, 2024

New side navigation layout

We’ve just shipped a change to the layout of the PlanetScale app. The top-level navigation links are now along the left-hand side.

Why make this change? We needed to make room for new features. We were starting to be limited by the space available along the top navigation bar. The new side navigation allows for more space and keeps everything easily discoverable.

May 24, 2024

VTGate errors are now in DataDog

We are now publishing the rate of errors encountered by each database branch's VTGate to Datadog. You can graph these metrics by using the planetscale.vtgate.errors metric name within your Datadog widget and notebooks.

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May 22, 2024
New feature

Pin frequently used databases

We've shipped an improvement to make navigating to your most frequently used databases easier. Starting today, you can pin the databases you use most frequently. To do this, open the database switcher at the top of the page, you'll see a new pin icon next to each database.

The organization switcher has been improved as well. It will show all of your pinned databases across all of your organizations.

May 2, 2024
New feature

Connecting to PlanetScale privately on AWS

Previously only available to Single-tenant and Managed customers, PlanetScale now provides private connection endpoints to AWS regions via AWS PrivateLink for customers on Scaler Pro.

This is helpful in cases where your compliance mandates that your connections do not route through the public Internet, or for customers looking to save costs on their NAT Gateways.

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April 30, 2024

Insights query latency percentile filtering

Insights now supports filtering query patterns by 50th and 99th percentile query execution time. To find all query patterns that have a 50th percentile execution time above 250 milliseconds, for example, enter p50:>250 in the insights search box.

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April 17, 2024
New feature

Global replica credentials

Today, we're introducing the ability to create global replica credentials for your PlanetScale database.

With replica credentials, it makes it easier to query your database's replicas and read-only regions by creating a password dedicated for replica use. These new credentials will be routed to the nearest read-only region with the lowest latency as new regions are added or removed without any code changes or even needing to reconnect.

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March 29, 2024

Insights anomaly webhook

You can now enable webhooks for database anomalies. With this new hook you can notify your team when PlanetScale has detected slower than expected queries on your database.

The webhook event is branch.anomaly and includes the full database branch information in the payload.

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March 13, 2024
New feature

Monthly spend alerts

We’ve released an improvement to the billing page. You can now set spend alerts for your PlanetScale Organization.

To enable monthly spend alerts, go to your organization billing page, click "Enable spend alerts", and enter the maximum spend amount. Organization admins will receive an email once monthly spend hits 75% and 100%.

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February 29, 2024

CPU and memory metrics now in Datadog

We are now publishing the CPU and memory usage of each database branch's primary node to Datadog. You can graph these metrics by using the planetscale.primary.cpu_usage and planetscale.primary.memory_usage metric names within your Datadog widgets and notebooks.

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February 28, 2024
New feature
Schema recommendations

Schema recommendations

Today, we’re releasing schema recommendations inside of PlanetScale Insights.

With schema recommendations, you will automatically receive recommendations to improve database performance, reduce memory and storage, and improve your schema based on production database traffic.

Schema recommendations uses query-level telemetry to generate tailored recommendations in the form of DDL statements that can be applied directly to a database branch and then deployed to production.

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February 16, 2024

Foreign key constraints are now generally available

To enable foreign key constraints in any unsharded PlanetScale database, go to your database’s ”Settings” page and check the box to Allow foreign key constraints.

On the database’s ”Dashboard” page, you will see a loading spinner that says it is “Enabling foreign key constraints.” Once it no longer shows, you can use foreign key constraints in your PlanetScale database!

For most cases, foreign key constraints should work as expected in PlanetScale. There are a few cases to be aware of that are unsupported or result in less ideal behavior. You can read more in the limitations section of the foreign key constraints documentation.

If you don’t have an existing PlanetScale database and have an existing internet-accessible MySQL or MariaDB databases that use foreign key constraints, you can also import it into PlanetScale using our database import tool.

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February 15, 2024

Safe migrations on development branches

You can now enable safe migrations on development branches. With safe migrations enabled on a branch, you’ll gain zero-downtime schema migrations, schema reverts, and protection against accidental schema changes. Also, now you can use a development branch with safe migrations enabled to set up a workflow with a “staging” branch. Previously, only production branches could have safe migrations enabled.

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February 6, 2024
OAuth applications are now in public beta

OAuth applications are now in public beta

OAuth applications are now available to all PlanetScale users in a public beta. An OAuth application in PlanetScale allows you to get authorization from your users for which organizations and databases the PlanetScale API can interact with.

If you are interested in building on top of PlanetScale and allowing your users to authenticate with PlanetScale to gain management access to their organizations and databases, you can create your OAuth application in your PlanetScale organization’s Settings > OAuth applications page.

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February 5, 2024

Deprecating Scaler plan

We are committed to remaining the best database for serverless and real-world applications that require massive scale. To support this effort, we are deprecating the Scaler plan. Beginning February 12th 2024, you will no longer be able to create a new Scaler database clusters.

Read the announcement blog post for more information.

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