
PlanetScale SKUs

Here you'll find a complete list of all the database sizes available to you on PlanetScale. If you needs exceed what is available here, we also support sharding.

Network-attached storage

Network-attached storage databases come with autoscaling storage and have varying levels of compute power.

PS-101/8 vCPU1 GB RAM70
PS-201/4 vCPU2 GB RAM75
PS-401/2 vCPU4 GB RAM75
PS-801 vCPU8 GB RAM110
PS-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM158
PS-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM211
PS-4008 vCPUs32 GB RAM211
PS-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM281
PS-70016 vCPUs32 GB RAM211
PS-90016 vCPUs64 GB RAM281
PS-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM375
PS-140032 vCPUs64 GB RAM281
PS-180032 vCPUs128 GB RAM375
PS-210048 vCPUs96 GB RAM328
PS-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM500
PS-270048 vCPUs128 GB RAM438
PS-280064 vCPUs128 GB RAM375

* Transactions refers to the number of simultaneous transactions your database can process, which is different than simultaneous connections. This is also known as the transaction pool.


Metal databases are backed by locally-attached NVMe drives for storage, unlocking incredible performance and cost-efficiencies. Because the drives are locally-attached, you need to choose both your compute and storage resources when you create your database. The storage options vary by cloud provided, so we break out the options into AWS and GCP sections.

Metal options on AWS

ProcessorMemoryNVMe Storage optionsTransactions*
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM110 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM460 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM1,241 GB158
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM229 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM929 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM2,490 GB211
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM466 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM1,866 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM4,992 GB281
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM942 GB375
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM3,739 GB375
M-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM1,891 GB500
M-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM7,492 GB500

Metal options on GCP

ProcessorMemoryNVMe Storage optionsTransactions*
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM367 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM742 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM1,492 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM2,992 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM5,992 GB158
M-1602 vCPUs16 GB RAM8,992 GB158
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM367 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM742 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM1,492 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM2,992 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM5,992 GB211
M-3204 vCPUs32 GB RAM8,992 GB211
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM367 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM742 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM1,492 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM2,992 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM5,992 GB281
M-6408 vCPUs64 GB RAM8,992 GB281
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM742 GB375
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM1,492 GB375
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM2,992 GB375
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM5,992 GB375
M-128016 vCPUs128 GB RAM8,992 GB375
M-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM1,492 GB500
M-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM2,992 GB500
M-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM5,992 GB500
M-256032 vCPUs256 GB RAM8,992 GB500

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