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Access control

Explore roles, permissions, and access control options at an organization and database level.

Organization access control

When you set up your PlanetScale account, you're asked to create an Organization.

An organization is essentially a container for your databases, settings, and members. You can create multiple organizations in the same account for different applications or use cases.

Within each organization, you can add members and assign them different roles. This document covers the different roles, the ways you can assign roles, permissions associated with those roles.

Roles and permissions

We currently support three different roles in your organization:

  • Organization Administrator
  • Organization Member
  • Database Administrator

Organization Administrator

An Organization Administrator can perform all actions in an organization, as well as all actions on every database within that organization.

Organization Member

An Organization Member can only perform limited actions within an organization and on all databases in that organization. By default, all users added to an organization have this role.

Database Administrator

A Database Administrator can perform all actions on the database for which they were assigned the Databases Administrator role.

This role is assigned at the database level and gives elevated permissions for the particular database that an organization member is the Database Administrator of. If you want to grant a member full access to manage one or several databases but not full Organization Administrator access, then this is the role you want. Please note, a user that is granted this role must be a member of the organization of which the database exists in, so they will have the permissions associated with Organization Member as well.

Organization-level permissions

Each role has a set of permissions assigned to it, which determines what actions that role is allowed to take within an organization or database.

The following table describes permissions assigned at the organization level for Organization Administrators and Organization Members. Because Database Administrators don't have any organization-level permissions, they are not included in this table.

View branchesView a database branch
Create branchesCreate a database branch
Delete non-production branchesDelete a non-production database branch
View databasesView one or all databases
Create databasesCreate a new database
Create deploy requestsCreate a deploy request for a branch
Manage service tokensCreate, view, or delete service tokens
Manage service token grantsCreate, view, update, or delete service token grants
View organization membersView one or all organization members
View database membersView one or all database members
View organizationView an organization
View query statisticsView query statistics for an organization's databases
Connect to development branchesCreate passwords or use pscale shell for development branches
Connect to production branchesCreate passwords or use pscale shell for production branches
Delete production branchesDelete a production database branch
Promote branchesPromote a branch to production
Manage databasesDelete, update settings, or import a database
Manage beta featuresOpt-in or opt-out of a beta feature
Create production service token grantsCreate a service token grant to connect or delete a production database branch
Update an integrationUpdate a third-party integration
Manage invitationsView, create, or cancel organization invitations
Manage invoicesView or download organization invoices
Manage billingView or update billing plans and payment methods
View audit logsView all audit logs
Manage organization membersUpdate member roles or delete organization members
Manage database membersUpdate member roles, add, or remove database members
Manage organizationUpdate organization settings, SSO, or delete organization

Database-level permissions

The following table describes the permissions assigned at the database level for Organization Administrators, Organization Members, and Database Administrators.

For Organization Administrators and Organization Members, these permissions apply to every database in the organization. Because the Database Administrator role is assigned at the database level, the permissions are for the specific database(s) for which they have the Database Administrator role.

Create and view branchesCreate or view a database branch
Delete non-production branchesDelete a non-production branch of a specific database
View databaseView a database in an organization
Create deploy requestsCreate a deploy request for a branch on a specific database
View database membersView one or all database members
View query statisticsView query statistics for an organization's databases
Restore non-production backupsRestore the backup of a development branch
Connect to development branchesCreate passwords or use pscale shell for development branches
Connect to production branchesCreate passwords or use pscale shell for production branches
Manage billingUpdate the billing plan of a specific database
Delete production branchesDelete a production database branch of a specific database
Promote branchesPromote a branch of a specific database to production
Manage databaseDelete, update settings, or import a database
Manage beta featuresOpt-in or opt-out of a beta feature for a database
Manage database membersUpdate database member roles, add, or remove database members
Restore production backupsRestore the backup of a production branch

An organization may have several databases, and an Organization Member may have different access to each database depending on whether or not they also have the Database Administrator role.

Assign organization roles to members

You can follow the steps below to assign roles to your members. You must be an Organization Administrator to modify member roles.

  • In the PlanetScale dashboard, click on the Settings tab in the top navigation.
  • Click on "Members" in the sidebar on the left.
  • From here, you can click on the dropdown on the right under the "Role" column to select the role you want to apply to each member.

You can also invite new members to your organization and assign roles once they accept their invitation. New members will be added with the Organization Member role by default.


Member role management is issued at the organization level. Each organization in your account may have different members with different access levels.

Assign roles at a database level

There are two ways to assign database-level roles to Organization members:

  1. Individually using the Database Administrator role.
  2. Creating a Team, adding member(s), and adding database(s) to that team.

Individually assign the Database Administrator role

To assign a member the role of Database Administrator, follow the steps outlined below. You must be an Organization Administrator or an existing Database Administrator to manage the Database Administrator role.


Members that create a database are automatically assigned the role of Database Administrator for that database.

  1. In the PlanetScale dashboard, click on the name of the database you want to add a Database Administrator to.
  2. Click on the "Settings" tab in the top navigation.
  3. Click on "Administrators" in the sidebar on the left.
  4. To add an administrator, click on the "Add administrator" button and select the member you wish to add as a Database Administrator.
  5. From here, you can also remove a Database Administrator by clicking the "Remove" button next to their name.

Add Database Administrator role via Teams

If you wish to give several members the Database Administrator role, you may want to create a Team. This will allow you to manage the access to that database all in one place.

For instructions, see our Teams documentation.

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