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The latest PlanetScale features and product launches.

April 20, 2023
New feature

Insights update

PlanetScale Insights now shows time-series metrics on a per-query pattern basis to help developers identify and troubleshoot problematic queries.

Read how the PlanetScale Engineering team used this feature to troubleshoot a query in our primary production database.

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April 5, 2023

Safe migrations

We just released a new update to our workflow: safe migrations. Safe migrations protect your production database from direct DDL. As of today you can now disable this protection on any production branch.

Previously, protection from direct DDL was enabled by default on all production branches with no option to disable it. With this change, when you promote a branch to production, you will now see a toggle that asks if you want to enable safe migrations.

Read more about why we introduced safe migrations in our latest blog post, “An update to our workflow: safe migrations”.

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January 31, 2023
New feature
PlanetScale API and OAuth applications

PlanetScale API and OAuth applications

Today, we are releasing a new way to manage your PlanetScale databases programmatically: The PlanetScale API.

The PlanetScale API (beta) opens up new ways to interact with PlanetScale through automation and other developer tools, like CI/CD, infrastructure as code, deployment tools, and application platforms.

In addition to the API, we are also launching OAuth applications in limited beta. OAuth applications alongside the PlanetScale API enable your users to interact with their PlanetScale databases from your application.

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November 15, 2022
New feature
PlanetScale Boost

PlanetScale Boost

Today, we’re releasing the PlanetScale Boost limited beta. PlanetScale Boost is a real-time query cache that automatically handles cache invalidation for you, without requiring substantial changes to your application code.

This feature is in limited beta. We will begin sending invites out soon.

Reserve your spot now by joining the PlanetScale Boost limited beta waitlist.

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Oct 11, 2022
New feature
Backup restore checklist

Backup restore checklist

Today, we’re launching a checklist of commonly performed activities right after restoring a backup. Branches restored from a backup now come with a helpful guide on how to replace your existing default branch with the new branch.

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October 10, 2022
New feature

Google Cloud Provider support

We just introduced Google Cloud Provider (GCP) support for select GCP regions. GCP support is currently in beta, so some PlanetScale features are limited on branches and databases created in GCP regions.

For more information about limitations and supported regions, see our GCP documentation.

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October 5, 2022
New feature

Complete query collection

We’ve introduced a new addition to Insights, our in-dashboard query monitoring tool. You can now enable complete query collection, which allows you to see the raw query data in query deep dives and EXPLAIN statements.

To enable complete query collection, an Organization Administrator must opt in on your database settings page.

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Aug 29, 2022
New feature
Backups UX refresh

Backups UX refresh

Today, we’re launching a new view for managing backups for PlanetScale databases. Backups can now be viewed across all Production and Development databases on a single page.

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Aug 23, 2022

New region: London

We’ve added a new region: AWS eu-west-2 (London). You can now create databases and branches in this region in the dashboard using the region selector or with the PlanetScale CLI with region slug aws-eu-west-2.

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August 18, 2022
New feature
PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript

PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript

We just released the new PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript.

This Fetch API-compatible driver allows you to use PlanetScale with serverless and edge compute platforms that require HTTP connections, such as Cloudflare Workers, Vercel Edge Functions, and Netlify Edge Functions.

To use this driver, you must opt-in and accept beta terms to access the required PlanetScale connection strings. You can enroll your database by selecting the database in the PlanetScale dashboard, clicking "Settings", "Beta features", and clicking "Enroll" next to "PlanetScale serverless driver for JavaScript".

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July 15, 2022


You can now easily manage database administrator access to one or multiple databases with Teams. Head to your Organization Settings page, click "Teams", and start adding members and databases.

Teams is available on all plans.

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July 13, 2022
New feature
Password roles

Password roles

Today, we’re launching password roles for PlanetScale Databases. PlanetScale passwords can now be created with more granular control over which operations they can perform.

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May 27, 2022
New feature
Datadog integration

Datadog integration

Today, we’re launching the Datadog integration. PlanetScale can push now metrics to Datadog to assist your team with understanding your database usage and performance.

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May 26, 2022
New feature
PlanetScale Insights

PlanetScale Insights

Today, we’re introducing the next iteration of our Query Statistics tool: PlanetScale Insights.

Insights brings a new interactive graphical interface that charts query performance along side your Deploy Requests.

We’ve also added a new section that surfaces all queries run against your database in the last 24 hours. Each query includes metrics such as rows read, rows returned, time per query, and more.

Insights is currently in beta. You can try it out for yourself by clicking the “Insights” tab on your database page in the PlanetScale dashboard.

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May 25, 2022
New feature
PlanetScale Connect

PlanetScale Connect

We’ve introduced a new feature called PlanetScale Connect that makes it easier to safely extract, load, and transform your data.

For this release, we’ve implemented an Airbyte connector as the pipeline between your PlanetScale data and the desired destination.

Connect is currently in beta. You can opt-in on your Organization Settings page under “Beta features”.

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May 24, 2022
New feature
PlanetScale Portals

PlanetScale Portals

Today, we’re introducing PlanetScale Portals. With Portals, you can add read-only regions to your production database in any available region.

Portals is available on our Scaler, Teams, and Enterprise plans and will be billed based on storage and rows read. For more information, check out our Read-only regions documentation.

Portals is currently in beta. You can add a read-only region and try it out on any production branch in your organization.

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May 20, 2022

New plan + pricing updates

Today, we’re introducing the Teams plan to better accomodate teams that require more resources and higher performance than the Scaler plan.

The new Teams plan includes:

  • 100 GB storage
  • 500 billion row reads/mo
  • 100 million row writes/mo
  • 3 production branches
  • 10 development branches
  • SSO
  • 60 days audit log
  • Larger resource allocation
  • Business support

We’ve also made some updates to existing plans. Our free Developer plan is now called Hobby and comes with 5 GB storage, 1 production branch, and 1 development branch.

Our Scaler plan has been updated to include SSO as an add-on option, 10 GB storage, 2 production branches, and 5 development branches.

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April 7, 2022
Three more regions

Three more regions

We have added three more regions across the globe. Now you can deploy databases on AWS in Frankfurt (eu-central-1), Sydney (ap-southeast-2), and São Paulo (sa-east-1).

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March 24, 2022
New feature
Revert a schema change

Revert a schema change

We’ve introduced a new feature that allows you to revert a schema change with no data loss.

If you create and deploy a deploy request with a schema change that breaks your application, you can instantly revert the deployment with the click of a button. Additionally, you’ll retain any data that was added to your production database during the time between deployment and reverting.

This feature is in limited beta and you must accept beta terms and enroll your database to use it. For more information, see the Revert a schema change section of our Deploy requests documentation.

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February 24, 2022

Updates to our pricing

We’ve updated our Developer and Scaler plans to better accomodate user needs.

The free Developer plan remains at 10 GB of storage and 10 million writes, but now includes 1 billion reads.

The Scaler plan remains $29 per month per database with 25 GB of storage and 50 million writes, but now includes 100 billion reads. Additional storage and usage for the Scaler plan will be charged at $2.50 per additional GB, $1 per additional 1 billion rows read, and $1.50 per additional 1 million rows written.

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December 23, 2021

Database sleeping

We’ve made an update that may affect databases on the free Developer plan. Inactive databases may be put into sleep mode after 30 days of inactivity. All data will be backed up and stored, but you will not be able to connect to the database.

The following criteria is used to determine when a database is eligible to sleep:

  • The database is on the free Developer plan
  • The database is at least one month old
  • There have been no rows written or connections to any branches of the database in the past 30 days.

Once all criteria is met, the database will enter sleep mode. You can wake a sleeping database at any time from the PlanetScale dashboard.

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November 18, 2021

Prisma Data Platform integration

PlanetScale and Prisma have partnered to allow developers to create PlanetScale databases in the new Prisma Data Platform. You can have a starter database schema and a live PlanetScale database ready to accept thousands of new database connections with a few clicks.

The Prisma Data Platform provides you with application templates with Prisma data schemas, so you don’t even have to think about a data model to get started. Once set up, you can deploy to Vercel immediately or use the Prisma Data Explorer and Query Builder to explore your PlanetScale database.

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November 17, 2021

Database Imports

The new PlanetScale Database Import feature makes it easy and painless to migrate your data from an existing internet accessible MySQL database into a PlanetScale database. With just a connection to your database, you can try out PlanetScale in front of your existing database and then import your data into PlanetScale. When you’re ready, switch traffic to your PlanetScale database without any downtime. Note: this feature is in limited beta.

Check out our latest blog post to learn more about how to import your data.

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November 16, 2021

PlanetScale is GA

PlanetScale is now GA and ready for your production workloads. We launched our beta in May, and since then we’ve been hard at work to ensure that we offer the security, performance, and reliability you expect from a database platform. Read more about our journey to GA.

November 3, 2021

PlanetScale Managed Cloud

We’ve launched PlanetScale Managed Cloud, our enterprise offering for customers who need to host their data. We offer a unique managed experience — we deploy PlanetScale in our customer’s AWS account and manage it directly using a sub-account. This provides the full managed experience to our customers, while meeting their strict compliance requirements. Read more about PlanetScale Managed Cloud in this blog post.