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May 20, 2022

New plan + pricing updates

Today, we’re introducing the Teams plan to better accomodate teams that require more resources and higher performance than the Scaler plan.

The new Teams plan includes:

  • 100 GB storage
  • 500 billion row reads/mo
  • 100 million row writes/mo
  • 3 production branches
  • 10 development branches
  • SSO
  • 60 days audit log
  • Larger resource allocation
  • Business support

We’ve also made some updates to existing plans. Our free Developer plan is now called Hobby and comes with 5 GB storage, 1 production branch, and 1 development branch.

Our Scaler plan has been updated to include SSO as an add-on option, 10 GB storage, 2 production branches, and 5 development branches.

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