By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to sync user data from a Clerk project into your PlanetScale MySQL database with webhooks using Netlify and Netlify Functions. →
By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to build virtual relationships between tables in PlanetScale while using the Drizzle TypeScript ORM. →
By Matthieu Napoli |
Learn how to integrate PlanetScale with Node applications built using the Serverless Framework on AWS. →
By Brian Morrison II |
A guide on how to natively integrate your PlanetScale database into Cloudflare workers easily and securely. →
By JD Lien |
Learn what you should look out for when upgrading an existing database from MySQL 5.7 to 8 and how to change your database to be compatible with the new version. →
By Anthony Herbert |
Learn how to use Python SQLAlchemy with MySQL by working through an example of creating tables, inserting data, and querying data with both raw SQL and SQLAlchemy ORM. →
By Adnan Kukic |
Learn how to migrate from Postgres to MySQL Postgres vs MySQL incompatibilities and more. →
By Mary Gathoni |
An overview of some common MySQL error codes you may run into, what they mean, and how to solve them. →
By JD Lien |
Learn what the N+1 queries problem is by working through an example N+1 query updating it to a JOIN statement and going over how to identify them in the future. →
By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to encrypt your connection strings so that not even AWS can access them. →
By JD Lien |
Learn how and when to use inner joins, outer joins, left joins, and right joins in MySQL. →
By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to use the PlanetScale serverless driver by creating a serverless API in AWS with JavaScript. →
By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to use Atlas CLI with PlanetScale to define your database as code. →
By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to build an automated DevOps pipeline with AWS Lightsail CodeBuild and PlanetScale. →
By Brian Morrison II |
Learn how to run commands in batch against a PlanetScale database using the PlanetScale CLI. →
By Camila Ramos |
This database schema design guide walks you through walk through the basics of creating and designing schemas for relational databases. →
By Holly Guevara |
Learn how to build a Laravel CRUD application connect it to a MySQL database and seed it with data. →
By Taylor Barnett |
Learn how to build automated workflows to develop and operate PlanetScale databases with GitHub Actions. →
By Taylor Barnett |
Create a PlanetScale database on the Prisma Data Platform; immediately store and query data from the browser →