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OAuth applications are now available to everyone

By Taylor Barnett |

One year ago, we launched OAuth applications in limited beta alongside the PlanetScale API. Starting today, everyone can create an OAuth application in public beta and build integrations that seamlessly authenticate with PlanetScale and allow management access to your users’ PlanetScale organizations and databases from your application.

An OAuth application in PlanetScale allows you to get authorization from your users for which organizations and databases the PlanetScale API can interact with.

Building on top of the PlanetScale database platform

We often describe PlanetScale as a “database platform” because it is not just a database. It is much more than that. The platform contains a whole workflow for making safe schema changes with no downtime, alongside intelligent features for monitoring, scaling, caching your queries, and more.

With the PlanetScale API, OAuth applications, and the CLI, you can build on top of the PlanetScale platform, expanding its capabilities across other tools and platforms. For example, you can use GitHub Actions workflows to create database branches from pull requests in GitHub, closely integrating into your existing workflows. The PlanetScale API and OAuth applications expand what is possible with your database.

Some examples of what you can do with the PlanetScale API:

You can learn more about what endpoints the API contains in the PlanetScale API documentation.

Examples of live OAuth applications

During the limited beta, we have had various companies building OAuth-based integrations such as:


Netlify built an integration that allows you to connect your PlanetScale account to a Netlify site, assign database branches to different deploy contexts, and use the connection object to insert a connection into your database call.


Vantage built an integration that allows their customers to see their overall PlanetScale costs alongside their other infrastructure providers. Vantage will automatically ingest and visualize the costs accordingly through the OAuth application.


Cloudflare built a database integration that allows you to connect to a database from your Cloudflare Worker by getting the right configuration from your PlanetScale database and adding it as a secret to your Worker.


Seltzer is a new web-based GUI database client that integrates with PlanetScale through OAuth, allows you to interact with your PlanetScale database in the browser, and can easily switch between database branches.

These are just a few examples of what can be built on top of PlanetScale’s OAuth applications. Now, what are you going to build?

Start building today

If you are interested in building on top of PlanetScale and allowing your users to authenticate with PlanetScale to gain management access to their organizations and databases, go to your organization’s OAuth applications page. You can create an OAuth application and immediately start building.

For more documentation on setting up an OAuth application, see the OAuth page in the PlanetScale API documentation.

If you build something you would like to share with us, please email us at education (at) We would love to hear about your experience building the application, and we may even feature your application in future blog posts, videos, or social media.

If you encounter any issues while building an integration, please let us know since this feature is now in public beta. The PlanetScale Support team will be able to help you out.