Blazing fast NVMe drives with unlimited IOPS now available. Read about PlanetScale Metal


By Sugu Sougoumarane |

In part 4 of the consensus algorithms series we look at how algorithm leaders are established and revoked.

By Holly Guevara, Shlomi Noach |

Learn how we used VReplication to allow for migration reverts with data retention.

By Florent Poinsard |

Learn about the Vitess 13 release.

By Alkin Tezuysal |

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 9.

By Alkin Tezuysal |

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers team I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 8 for MySQL.

By Sugu Sougoumarane |

Consensus Use Cases

By Shlomi Noach |

How the new integration adds new failure detection and recovery scenarios making orchestrator’s operation goal-oriented.

By Sugu Sougoumarane |

The Rules of Consensus

By Sugu Sougoumarane |

This is a multi-part blog series and will be updated with links to the corresponding posts.

By Deepthi Sigireddi |

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers team I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 7. Major Themes Improved SQL Support We continued to progress towards (almost) full MySQL compatibility.

By Abhi Vaidyanatha |

Here at PlanetScale we hear some concerns about the reliability of Vitess and its capabilities with regards to data loss.

By Morgan Tocker |

I am excited to announce the general availability of Vitess 6 the second release to follow our new accelerated release schedule.

By Jiten Vaidya |

Build systems that do not lose data. Vitess prevents asynchronous failure in two ways: (1) ensuring that the changes are saved locally on storage with the redo log and binary logs safely written to disk and (2) making use of semi-synchronous replication.

By Abhi Vaidyanatha |

This video playlist featuring Vitess co-creator Sugu Sougoumarane is an excellent resource to learn more about the features and capabilities of open source Vitess.

By Deepthi Sigireddi |

It’s easier than ever to contribute to Vitess. The test suite migration from Python to golang makes Vitess more developer friendly.