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Videos: Intro to Vitess—its powerful capabilities and how to get started

This video playlist featuring Vitess co-creator Sugu Sougoumarane is an excellent resource to learn more about the features and capabilities of open source Vitess.

Videos: Intro to Vitess—its powerful capabilities and how to get started

In 2020, we launched our first video series about Vitess to help individuals learn more about its features and capabilities. For those new to Vitess, it is an open source horizontal sharding framework for MySQL, developed at YouTube to help them keep up with their massive scale. It was later donated to the CNCF and now sits among Kubernetes, Prometheus, and others as a graduated project.

The videos feature Sugu Sougoumarane, co-creator of Vitess and CTO of PlanetScale. At a glance, these short videos are in a FAQ format and cover these topics:

In 2024, we released a free course on getting up-and-running with Vitess. This course covers what Vitess is, and guides you though how to set up your own cluster, both in an unsharded and sharded configuration. Check it out.

If you are interested in getting started with Vitess, join the Vitess Slack community, try it out for yourself with the quickstart guide, or check out our newly open-sourced Vitess Operator for Kubernetes.