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Optimizing queries in arewefastyet

By Florent Poinsard, Harshit Gangal |

Arewefastyet is an automatic benchmarking tool for Vitess. It runs automatic micro and macro benchmarks daily to monitor the performance of Vitess.

Arewefastyet uses PlanetScale for its database, which comes with an in-dashboard query monitoring tool: Insights. This tool gives you a complete overview of your database’s performance, including details all the way down to the individual query level.

Using Insights, we were able to detect and improve the performance of two slow queries, which resulted in an 85% decrease in query latency.

Insights graph showing query latency at 40 and then immediately dropping to around 5

Detecting the slow queries

Insights includes an overview graph that lets you see several important metrics, such as query latency and number of rows read, at a glance. As you can see in the graph above, our p95 query latency was hovering around 40 ms. We wanted to see if we could improve this, so the first step was to narrow the latency down to the most problematic queries.

With Insights, this is simple. You can view a list of all queries that ran over a selected time period and sort the list based on time per query.

This table immediately surfaced two queries that seemed to be running slowly. Let’s go over those now.

Insights list of queries sorted by time per query. Two queries are highlighted in red, signaling a high query latency

The benchmark comparison query

The first query that showed up is used to return the previous successful run of the micro-benchmarks to compare against the latest run. This comparison is visible on the Microbenchmarks page.

    execution as e
    e.source = :source
    and e.`status` = :status
    and e.type = :type
    and e.git_ref != :git_ref
  order by
    e.started_at desc

The OLTP and TPCC benchmark query

This next query is used to return the last runs of OLTP and TPCC benchmarks for X days. The result we get from this query allows us to display the result (qps, tps, latency, etc.) for each benchmark. We then display this information on the CRON analytics page.

SELECT info.macrobenchmark_id, e.git_ref, e.source, e.finished_at, IFNULL(e.uuid, ''), " +
		"results.tps, results.latency, results.errors, results.reconnects, results.time, results.threads, " +
		"results.total_qps, results.reads_qps, results.writes_qps, results.other_qps " +
		"FROM execution AS e, macrobenchmark AS info, macrobenchmark_results AS results " +
		"WHERE e.uuid = info.exec_uuid AND e.status = \"finished\" AND e.finished_at BETWEEN DATE(NOW()) - INTERVAL ? DAY AND DATE(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY) " +
		"AND e.source = ? AND info.vtgate_planner_version = ? AND info.macrobenchmark_id = results.macrobenchmark_id AND info.type = ?

Improving the slow queries

Now that we had our two problematic queries, it was time to improve them. This step was straightforward. We noticed in both cases, these queries were missing an index.

We started with the OLTP and TPCC benchmark query. We opened a new PlanetScale deploy request to add an index to finished_at and status. Once merged, the deploy request is reflected in the graph below by the purple line with the number 6, meaning deploy request 6.

To address the benchmark comparison query, we added an index on started_at. This update is reflected in deploy request number 7 on the graph.

Insights graph showing query latency at 40 and then immediately dropping to around 5

As you can see, these two small additions resulted in an 85% decrease in query latency. With Insights, we were able to detect, debug, and massively improve our queries in just minutes.